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Discover how to create an inclusive and productive work environment with our comprehensive guide.

In today's fast-paced and diverse work environments, understanding and supporting employees with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) is more crucial than ever. OCD affects around 1.2% of the UK population, and employees with this condition often face unique challenges, but they also bring exceptional strengths to the workplace.

Our comprehensive guide gives you the tools and insights to foster a supportive environment, ensuring that all team members can thrive.

What’s Inside the Guide?

  • Practical strategies for managing OCD in the workplace
  • Ways to promote structure and consistency
  • Communication tips to minimise anxiety and support clarity
  • Actionable steps to identify and mitigate OCD triggers
  • Guidance on supporting the emotional well-being of employees

Why Supporting Employees with OCD Matters


Unique Strengths

Employees with OCD often have a strong attention to detail, problem solving skills, and organisational abilities. By creating an environment that supports them, you’ll tap into these invaluable strengths.
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Employee Well Being 

By providing the right support, you can reduce anxiety and stress, leading to a happier, more engaged workforce. Which improves employee well being and improves employee retention.
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Inclusive Culture

Embracing neurodiversity, including employees with OCD, not only reflects well on your organisation but also enhances creativity, innovation, and efficiency by fostering a variety of perspectives.